
Aerial Survey at Johnston Crescent

To begin the project, our team used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with high-resolution cameras to capture aerial imagery of the site. We then processed the imagery using photogrammetry techniques to generate a highly accurate 3D model of the construction site.

From this model, we were able to extract the required deliverables for our client. Volumetrics were calculated using the 3D model, allowing us to accurately measure the volume of material that had been excavated and the volume of material that still needed to be removed. Contours were generated to show the site's elevation changes, providing important information for future site planning.

Survey of Four Corners Road

We generated an orthophoto of the area, which provided a detailed and accurate view of the road from above. This orthophoto was geometrically corrected to have a uniform scale, which allowed for accurate measurements to be taken directly from the image.

Finally, we delivered point cloud data to our client, which is a highly accurate 3D representation of the road and surrounding areas. This data can be used for a range of applications, including further analysis, modeling, and simulations.

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